By Enamine Communications on Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Category: Operation Updates

Enamine Operation Update, April 20

Dear Customers,


As of today, 17 countries among which France, Italy, and Austria to name a few, along with the European Union have sent their diplomats back to Kyiv, reopening their embassies, a vote of confidence that the Russia’s assault against the Ukrainian capital city and its region is over. This important symbolic and solidarity step from our allies makes clear that the necessary safety in Kyiv is returning, while the Russians have decided to re-focus on the East of Ukraine.


From our side, we are continuing working at full throttle to contribute to restoring our beloved homeland and its economy. Over 350 chemists including 100 FTE’s in our clients’ research projects have been able to resume their programs in our laboratories in Kyiv. We appreciate tremendously your indefatigable support, commitment, and trust in us!


This week we are happy to announce that our compound management team has resumed the liquid handling replication of our compound libraries. Although some more time (2 weeks) is required to fully re-start the weighing of dry compound samples from our screening collection, we can already supply from our liquid stock various pre-plated compound libraries. In line with our last week’s announcement, our very first dry-ice shipment since nearly two months has just left Kyiv towards our logistics centre in Riga from where individual orders will be further distributed to multiple clients across the world.


We are also pleased to confirm that our biology department Bienta has fully resumed its operations and provision of integrated drug discovery support. All our research facilities and technical equipment are in perfect working condition. Currently, all our groups and units (high throughput screening, bioanalytical, mass spectrometry, and in vivo) are resuming their projects and are ready to start new ones. The in vivo group is restoring the population of its laboratory animals, which were saved in our in-house core breeding section thanks to our galvanized colleagues’ efforts.


For further details, please send inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Faithfully Yours,
Enamine Team

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