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Fast track to access Enamine compounds for screening

Preparation of the screening libraries from the stock in dry powders always takes extra time and, in many cases is uneconomical due to compound waste.

Enamine’s Liquid Stock collection backed with our state-of-the-art compound management provides time- and cost-effective solution for design of the bespoke libraries easily customizable in terms of both composition and format. This collection currently consists of more than 296,000 compounds stored as 10 mM DMSO solutions available for cherry-picking.

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435 Hits

Enamine Operation Update, October 10


Dear Customers, Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends.


This morning, russia carried out another act of aggression, firing dozens of rockets at peaceful cities in Ukraine, including Kyiv. Another act of barbarian terrorism. Despite it, we stand firm and resilient.


All our employees are safe, and all our facilities are intact. The work has been postponed for today, but it will be resumed tomorrow with the support of our local authorities and government. At Enamine, we are acting according to our internal contingency plan. Once the air raid alarm starts, all the laboratory activity is stopped, and our staff is evacuated to the specially equipped shelters.

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1854 Hits

Statement by CEO and Founder of Enamine Andrey Tolmachov


Dear Colleagues, Customers, and Friends,


More than four months from the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion and it is not clear when it will be over. The world is getting used to the Russian-Ukrainian war. At the same time, I suppose Ukraine should not exit from the focus of the whole world while Russia continues its aggression.

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3353 Hits

Enamine Operation Update, May 11


We are glad to inform you that we have fully restored the scope of our building block catalog as it was before the 24th of February war outbreak. The catalog lists over 238,000 off-the-shelf products. Such items are again offered in the various batch sizes reaching up to 100 grams in many cases to give you full scale of choice for your projects. Please visit https://enaminestore.com/catalog to make structure searches and order online.

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752 Hits

Enamine Operation Update, May 5

Dear Customers,


Since our return to the labs 1 month ago, we have managed to restore and catch up with practically all our synthesis and stock operations. We are extremely grateful for your being with us during these difficult times. We were happy to receive your messages of strong support and orders, demonstrating your continuous trust in Enamine. It means a lot to all of us, and it helped our quick rebirth.


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704 Hits

Enamine Operation Update, April 27

We are happy to inform you that we have successfully completed the relocation of our entire collection of screening compounds and started weighing compound samples since yesterday. All 3.5 million vials with dry compounds have been safely moved to our new facility in Sokal, a town near Lviv with a population of 20 000 people in the West of Ukraine, close to the Polish border.


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1754 Hits

Enamine Operation Update, April 20

Dear Customers,


As of today, 17 countries among which France, Italy, and Austria to name a few, along with the European Union have sent their diplomats back to Kyiv, reopening their embassies, a vote of confidence that the Russia’s assault against the Ukrainian capital city and its region is over. This important symbolic and solidarity step from our allies makes clear that the necessary safety in Kyiv is returning, while the Russians have decided to re-focus on the East of Ukraine.


From our side, we are continuing working at full throttle to contribute to restoring our beloved homeland and its economy. Over 350 chemists including 100 FTE’s in our clients’ research projects have been able to resume their programs in our laboratories in Kyiv. We appreciate tremendously your indefatigable support, commitment, and trust in us!

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698 Hits

Enamine Operation Update, April 13

Dear Customers,


The situation in Kyiv keeps improving day by day, shops and restaurants are re-opening and people are returning to their homes in a continuous stream. More and more chemists come back to their labs and resume their projects at Enamine. Currently, over 300 chemists are already back to work, and we estimate this number to grow up to 400-500 colleagues within the next couple of weeks. We have restored the synthesis of building blocks, REAL Compounds, as well as custom synthesis, including FTE research projects in our Kyiv’s facility. Along with our absolute capacity to resynthesize building blocks in larger amounts as before, the resumption of the supplies from Ukraine has allowed us to return 2.5-, 5-, and 10-gram amounts to our building block catalog. Following our contingency plan at the war outbreak, we completely switched to supplies from our warehouses in US and Latvia, both largely limited to the 1-gram batch size. Now, we are resuming supplies of the larger amounts from our Kyiv stock and via resynthesis! Please check our offer at https://enaminestore.com/.


The quick supply of the building blocks is crucial. Even though the infrastructure in Ukraine has been significantly damaged during the war and despite express courier services have been suspended for the time being, our logistics specialists have organized a 3-day ground transportation route from Kyiv to our EU-based site in Latvia. This means that delivery time from Ukraine to your lab will be cut down to around 7-10 days very soon. Delivery time from US and EU local stores is as always 1-2 days.

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616 Hits

Resuming Work. Statement by CEO and Founder of Enamine


Dear Colleagues, Customers, and Friends,


It has been 43 days.


Forty-three days with thousands of bombs, shells, and missiles fired out at our cities and villages, thousands of destroyed buildings, bridges, streets, thousands of killed people. And there are to be feared thousands of victims yet to come as the war continues with a new focus to the East of our country, the war for democracy to prevail against dictatorship and tyranny, the war of the civilized world against the paranoiac barbarians, the war of good against evil. Russia commits genocide against Ukrainians, terrorizes the population, and engages in looting. Nowadays after the crimes in Chernihiv and Kharkiv, after the massacre in Bucha, Irpin and Borodyanka, everybody understands: the world appears to be once again black and white these days and one can see clearly who stands on the side of Ukraine.

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703 Hits

Enamine Operation Update, April 4

Dear Customers,


In the last 10 days there have been no missile strikes on Kyiv and normal life settles down in the capital. Last week we reported on resuming operations with our main building block warehouse in Ukraine and today we are pleased to inform you that we are going to start delivering your orders for screening compounds since the middle of April. In the meantime, we are completing transfer of the entire stock of screening compounds to our new facility in the west of Ukraine, near the Polish border.

Enamine’s screening collection has over 3 million small molecular weight compounds and is the largest and most reputable commercial collection in the world. We are happy to continue providing our compounds for drug discovery worldwide!

Another good news is that we have resumed synthesis of REAL Compounds, re-opening access to over 20 billion new compounds. Very soon we will be starting to deliver your important hit-finding and hit exploration libraries synthesized in our labs.

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745 Hits

Open Letter from Enamine founder and CEO Dr. Andrey Tolmachov


Dear Customers, Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,


The war in our country lasts more than 10 days. We have put on hold most of our operations in Kyiv and ask our customers to wait until this situation is resolved. We thank all of you for your patience. During this time, we have been able to estimate our resources, capabilities, and plan next steps to be done. Now I would like to highlight some of them:

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1003 Hits

Russian blatant attack on civilians, disruption of operations

Russian aggression continues with more force and they continue killing civilians (at least 200 killed only today officially, and who knows how many more). Enamine is forced to adjust schedules of operations, please, support our fight for our lives.


735 Hits