Ivan S. Kondratov graduated from the University of Kyiv (Ukraine) in 2004 with a Master Diploma and got his PhD degree (Candidate of Chemical Sciences) from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Starting from 2009 he collaborated with Prof. Dr. Günter Haufe (University of Münster, Germany) and was a guest scientist in Münster for several times. He started working for Enamine (Kyiv, Ukraine) at 2011 as synthetic chemist. Since 2017 he is a Head of Medicinal Chemistry department. This department deal with MedChem related projects at Enamine and design of custom libraries and Building Blocks for Drug Disccovery. Ivan Kondratov is an author of 35 original research papers.

Dr. Andrii Buvailo is Head of E-commerce and Content Marketing at Enamine.
He is also blogging regularly about emerging technologies and trends in the Life Sciences industry.
All statements made, opinions expressed, etc. in his posts and articles only reflect his personal point of view and not necessarily that of Enamine.