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22 May 2023

Enamine Launches a New Chemistry Site in Germany

Welcome to the latest update from Enamine - we're delighted to share our growth story with you. In our continued pursuit of scientific excellence and global expansion, we've launched a new subsidiary, Enamine Germany GmbH, based in Frankfurt's Höchst Industrial Park. This significant development strengthens our commitment to provide more localized and efficient services in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry.

19 April 2023

Enamine and Endogena Therapeutics – a Successful, Multi-Year Drug Discovery Collaboration

Kyiv, Ukraine, April 19, 2023 - Enamine Ltd., a provider of drug discovery services empowered with the world’s largest collections of building blocks, fragments, and screening compounds, gave an update of its long-standing research collaboration with Endogena Therapeutics AG, a clinicalstage biotech company focused on the development of endogenous regenerative medicines.

Enamine provides Endogena with its integrated capability in medicinal chemistry to support Endogena’s small molecule drug discovery programs in the fields of hit finding, hit-to-lead and lead optimization.

The companies have been collaborating under a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) model since 2019. The two discovery partners have been continuing their research collaboration to date, their research relationship not being impacted by the war in Ukraine. This collaboration extension, along with many others and new ones established by Enamine since February 24, 2022, already under the conflict, is a systematic positive trend experienced by the company, that demonstrates the support of its customers and the trust they have in receiving high-quality service backed up by the unparalleled number of diverse building blocks available at Enamine.

Sven Weiler, Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry at Endogena, commented: “The interaction with colleagues from Enamine has been a smooth one from the start. In addition to the FTE model, it is great to have access to their huge compound collection and be able to flexibly use Enamine’s capacity to its full potential. We value the output and responsiveness of the Enamine team, helping us to achieve our demanding milestones. It is stunning to see how well Enamine has been able to keep pace after February 2022.”

Michael Bossert, Head of Strategic Alliances at Enamine, added: “After 13 months of the war in the country, we are especially pleased to announce our collaboration with Endogena, a longlasting partner we have been serving during those several years with extensive medicinal chemistry and SAR efforts”.

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16 January 2023

Enamine and UORSY collaborate on creating Legacy Screening Collection

Kyiv, Ukraine, January 16, 2023. Enamine Ltd., the world’s leading designer and supplier of screening compound libraries and building blocks, together with UORSY, a top Ukrainian chemical company producing products for early drug discovery, announced today the creation of a joint “Legacy” screening collection.

10 October 2022

Enamine Operation Update, October 10

This morning, russia carried out another act of aggression, firing dozens of rockets at peaceful cities in Ukraine, including Kyiv. Another act of barbarian terrorism. Despite it, we stand firm and resilient.

11 May 2022

Enamine Operation Update, May 11

We are glad to inform you that we have fully restored the scope of our building block catalog as it was before the 24th of February war outbreak. The catalog lists over 238 000 off-the-shelf products. Such items are again offered in the various batch sizes reaching up to 100 grams in many cases to give you full scale of choice for your projects. Please visit https://enaminestore.com/catalog to make structure searches and order online.

13 April 2022

Enamine Operation Update, April 13

The situation in Kyiv keeps improving day by day, shops and restaurants are re-opening and people are returning to their homes in a continuous stream. More and more chemists come back to their labs and resume their projects at Enamine. Currently, over 300 chemists are already back to work, and we estimate this number to grow up to 400-500 colleagues within the next couple of weeks. We have restored the synthesis of building blocks, REAL Compounds, as well as custom synthesis, including FTE research projects in our Kyiv’s facility. Along with our absolute capacity to resynthesize building blocks in larger amounts as before, the resumption of the supplies from Ukraine has allowed us to return 2.5-, 5-, and 10-gram amounts to our building block catalog. Following our contingency plan at the war outbreak, we completely switched to supplies from our warehouses in US and Latvia, both largely limited to the 1-gram batch size. Now, we are resuming supplies of the larger amounts from our Kyiv stock and via resynthesis! Please check our offer at https://enaminestore.com/.

The quick supply of the building blocks is crucial. Even though the infrastructure in Ukraine has been significantly damaged during the war and despite express courier services have been suspended for the time being, our logistics specialists have organized a 3-day ground transportation route from Kyiv to our EU-based site in Latvia. This means that delivery time from Ukraine to your lab will be cut down to around 7-10 days very soon. Delivery time from US and EU local stores is as always 1-2 days.

We are looking forward to receiving your new inquiries and orders! This is the best way you can help us.

Faithfully Yours,
Enamine Team

31 March 2022

Call for Donations

We, at Enamine, have united to resist at our level the Russian invasion. We help to acquire non-lethal military aid to enhance defence of Ukraine, provide medical supplies to the hospitals, provide sponsorship for science and education in Ukraine, and help our employees scattered by war across Ukraine and abroad. Our own funds are limited as we have had to put on hold most of our projects and we will greatly appreciate your donations, which we will immediately use for the urgent needs of today! This is the most direct help to Ukraine.

Please use correct currency accounts and indicate the purpose of payment as “charitable assistance”.

In order to track your donation please inform us about it by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you have any particular purpose of donation (e.g. “medicines”, “social help”) please indicate it in your email. Please also contact us by email if you have any questions about the fund.

Thank you for your support!

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Company name: ENAMINE СF
IBAN (USD):UA823052990000026001030119037

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SWIFT Code of the соrrеsроndеnt bank: CHASUS33

рurроsе of payment: "charitable assistance"

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22 November 2021

Enamine makes HFIPS reagent more accessible

Kyiv, Ukraine, 22 November 2021. Recently, Prof. Magolan and coworkers from McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) reported that hexafluoroisopropyl sulfamate (HFIPS) is a convenient reagent for the sulfamoylation of alcohols and amines (Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 3373–3378). HFIPS has also been used for metal-catalyzed C–H aminations (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 5783–5789) and for the synthesis of aziridines using silver catalysis (Synthesis 2018, 50, 4462–4470) or electrochemical conditions (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 5695–5698). Enamine has adapted and scaled-up the published procedure to synthesize HFIPS and make it more accessible to scientists worldwide. The reagent is now available in Enamine’s catalogue in multigram quantities.

Iryna Iavniuk, Business Development Director at Enamine, comments: “We at Enamine are committed to making novel reagents immediately accessible to our customers. We have successfully applied the HFIPS reagent in one of our projects previously and were happy to produce it for commercialization.”

Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Grygorenko, Consulting Scientist at Enamine, explains: “Dr. Jarrod Johnson, a Research Associate in the Magolan group, contacted us to point out that there was a supply gap with HFIPS. We recognized the usefulness of the reagent and happily agreed to begin commercialization. Our chemists quickly reproduced the published procedure to synthesize 50 grams of the reagent and HFIPS is now available from EnamineStore: https://www.enaminestore.com/catalog/EN300-1987789.”

Dr. Jarrod Johnson from McMaster University, adds: “We like the ease and simplicity of using HFIPS for sulfamoylation chemistry and hope it might become the go-to reagent for medicinal chemists making sulfamates and sulfamides.”

Prof. Dr. Jakob Magolan from McMaster University, comments: “It’s great to see Enamine now offering bulk HFIPS. I expect that this will enable creative scientists around the world to further extend the scope and applicability of this useful little reagent.”

Conflict of interest statement: Hereby the parties confirm that Prof. Magolan and his group have no financial interest in commercialization of EN300-1987789. No specialized data was transferred to Enamine apart from that already published in the literature.

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27 April 2023

Nostrum Biodiscovery and ENAMINE Join Forces to Develop a Cutting-Edge Search Engine for REAL Space Billion Database and Enhance HTVS Services

Barcelona, Spain, and Kyiv, Ukraine, April 27, 2023. Nostrum Biodiscovery, a leading provider of computational drug discovery services, and ENAMINE, a global supplier of chemical building blocks and screening compounds, announced today a groundbreaking collaboration for the co-development of a revolutionary search engine tailored for the REAL Space billion database. This partnership aims to deliver unparalleled performance in searching vast chemical spaces while utilizing low computational resources, thus increasing the efficiency and accessibility of drug discovery efforts.

The collaboration will also focus on enhancing High Throughput Virtual Screening (HTVS) services to streamline the drug discovery process. Nostrum Biodiscovery's state-of-the-art AI-enabled screening platform will take center stage in this effort, boasting the capability to evaluate the entire billion compound collection in just hours. This innovative technology promises to identify potential drug candidates within weeks, significantly accelerating the discovery pipeline.

ENAMINE’s expertise in the rapid and reliable provision of compounds will further strengthen the collaboration, ensuring that researchers have timely access to the vast array of molecules in the REAL Space database. This partnership will facilitate the seamless integration of Nostrum Biodiscovery's computational prowess with ENAMINE’s extensive compound collection, directly impacting companies interested in using services offered by both partners and ultimately benefiting the global scientific community and accelerating the path to new drug discoveries.

[Victor Guallar, CSO Nostrum Biodiscovery] “We see it every day in our projects, using the REAL Space database with our AI/MM hybrid HTVS platform is a game changer in finding molecules. Our joint venture with ENAMINE demonstrates our commitment to integrating cutting-edge technology and high-quality compound collections to provide the pharmaceutical industry with unparalleled access to resources that expedite drug discovery. We believe that this partnership will serve as a catalyst for innovation, inspiring ventures to explore uncharted territories in the quest for novel therapeutics.”

[Andrey Tarnovskiy, Sales Director, Europe at Enamine] “This year the size of Enamine’s REAL Space has reached tremendous 36 Billion compounds. We are excited to cooperate with Nostrum Biodiscovery to complement the available suite of search tools for REAL Space exploration with brand-new AI-based solution for high-throughput virtual screening and hope that our synergy will allow to facilitate and strengthen the drug discovery efforts of our customers.”

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06 March 2023

Success-driven hit discovery enabled by success in the synthesis

San Francisco, USA, and Kyiv, Ukraine, March 6 2023. OpenBench, the first success-driven service for small molecule hit discovery, and Enamine, the world’s leading provider of astronomical numbers of compounds for biological screening, today announced the extension of their collaboration to enrich global early discovery efforts.

15 December 2022

Pharmacelera to partner with Enamine for the screening of ultra-large chemical libraries

Barcelona, Spain, and Kyiv, Ukraine, 15 December 2022. Pharmacelera, the leading provider of computational tools for hit discovery, and Enamine, the developer of REAL Database – the world’s largest virtual library of highly feasible compounds, have announced a partnership to jointly provide an efficient solution for hit finding. Ultra-large chemical libraries are observed as one of the key paradigms to access an unexplored chemical space. How to traverse these enormous spaces accurately is a research area that has raised the interest of the pharmaceutical industry, since finding novel hits with chemical diversity is a fundamental pillar in drug discovery.

05 May 2022

Enamine Operation Update, May 5

Since our return to the labs 1 month ago, we have managed to restore and catch up with practically all our synthesis and stock operations. We are extremely grateful for your being with us during these difficult times. We were happy to receive your messages of strong support and orders, demonstrating your continuous trust in Enamine. It means a lot to all of us, and it helped our quick rebirth.

Now more than 400 chemists have returned to our labs, among whom 150 as FTE’s in your research projects. Each week more chemists join back their FTE team structures. In early 2022, the company made a strategic supply of reagents and solvents so that we can continue self-sufficient synthesis activities for many months. Furthermore, most recently, significant progress has been made in receiving again goods and starting materials in Ukraine. Our newly established small synthesis lab in Latvia operates now in parallel to the Kyiv-based ones and will be happy to welcome new FTE clients.

Our parallel synthesis lab is capable now of setting up 1 400 - 1 500 syntheses per day, the rate that allows the synthesis of a few thousand REAL Compounds in a 2-month project. There is no limitation to the library size to request. As we used to encounter difficulties in dealing with the end-of-the-year REAL Compound orders always arriving in numbers, we would like to encourage you to send your requests as soon as possible and book our optimally available capacities in advance!

Enamine chemists back on creative spree. A few latest additions to our Building Block catalog

Enamine has resumed internal synthesis programs targeting to replenish and expand our catalog of Building Blocks. The strategic goal is to replicate our stock of BBs and make it evenly represented in all our three warehouses: in the US, in Latvia, and in Ukraine. The first step in this direction was made when we shipped sizeable selections of building blocks to our stocks abroad. Now our chemists are busy in resynthesizing them.

All our stock catalogs including building blocks, screening compounds, fragments, and plated compound libraries are readily available for your analysis and fully operatable. Our delivery times improve every week!

20 April 2022

Enamine Operation Update, April 20

As of today, 17 countries among which France, Italy, and Austria to name a few, along with the European Union have sent their diplomats back to Kyiv, reopening their embassies, a vote of confidence that the Russia’s assault against the Ukrainian capital city and its region is over. This important symbolic and solidarity step from our allies makes clear that the necessary safety in Kyiv is returning, while the Russians have decided to re-focus on the East of Ukraine.

From our side, we are continuing working at full throttle to contribute to restoring our beloved homeland and its economy. Over 350 chemists including 100 FTE’s in our clients’ research projects have been able to resume their programs in our laboratories in Kyiv. We appreciate tremendously your indefatigable support, commitment, and trust in us!

This week we are happy to announce that our compound management team has resumed the liquid handling replication of our compound libraries. Although some more time (2 weeks) is required to fully re-start the weighing of dry compound samples from our screening collection, we can already supply from our liquid stock various pre-plated compound libraries. In line with our last week’s announcement, our very first dry-ice shipment since nearly two months has just left Kyiv towards our logistics centre in Riga from where individual orders will be further distributed to multiple clients across the world.

We are also pleased to confirm that our biology department Bienta has fully resumed its operations and provision of integrated drug discovery support. All our research facilities and technical equipment are in perfect working condition. Currently, all our groups and units (high throughput screening, bioanalytical, mass spectrometry, and in vivo) are resuming their projects and are ready to start new ones. The in vivo group is restoring the population of its laboratory animals, which were saved in our in-house core breeding section thanks to our galvanized colleagues’ efforts.

For further details, please send inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Faithfully Yours,
Enamine Team

18 October 2021

Enamine brings Levin “nitrogen-deleting” reagent to the market

Kyiv, Ukraine, 18 October 2021. Several months ago, Prof. Levin and co-workers from University of Chicago developed an elegant method for the “skeletal editing” of organic molecules by nitrogen atom deletion (see Nature 2021, 593, 223–227). Their strategy included the use of an anomeric N-pivaloyloxy-N-alkoxyamide amide as the key reagent. Enamine, the world-leading compound supplier, is proud to announce that this reagent has been just added to the company’s product catalog. The compound is now available from the company’s stock in multigram quantities.

Iryna Iavniuk, Business Development Director at Enamine, explains: “We at Enamine always look for the most recent scientific findings in all areas of chemistry and use them to expand and improve our products immediately. We were happy to collaborate with Mark Levin on the commercialization of his fascinating reagent – a remarkable addition to our reagent collection.”

Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Grygorenko, Consulting Scientist at Enamine, adds: “I was really excited when I saw Prof. Levin’s Nature publication on the nitrogen deletion method while surfing the literature. When Mark contacted us, we readily agreed to collaborate. Our chemists quickly reproduced his published protocols, performed scale-up to 50 g of the reagent, demonstrated its applicability, and checked the storage stability. Now, the compound is available from EnamineStore: https://www.enaminestore.com/catalog/EN300-33050767

Prof. Dr. Mark Levin, Assistant Professor at University of Chicago, comments: “Hopefully anyone who wants to give our methods a whirl will be able to take advantage of this wonderful offering from Enamine. I am looking forward to all the creative applications of nitrogen deletion that this will enable!”

Conflict of interest statement: Hereby the parties confirm that Prof. Levin or his group has no financial interest in commercialization of EN300-33050767. No specialized data was transferred to Enamine apart from that already published in the literature.

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