Enamine Operation Update, October 10

All our employees are safe, and all our facilities are intact. The work has been postponed for today, but it will be resumed tomorrow with the support of our local authorities and government. At Enamine, we are acting according to our internal contingency plan. Once the air raid alarm starts, all the laboratory activity is stopped, and our staff is evacuated to the specially equipped shelters.

In case of any power outages, we are also ready to switch to alternative sources and diesel generators to maintain the work of instruments, servers, and other equipment. We follow the situation very closely and return to work only once our authorities and security service allow it.

The situation will not influence the scheduled shipments and delivery time of the building blocks, screening compounds, and project compounds. As for the interrupted synthetic work in the frame of the FTE and FFS projects, we will compensate this time and keep the projects’ deadlines.

Thank you for being so supportive and trusting our teams. You can always donate to Enamine Charity Fund, and it will also be your support for Ukraine!

Slava Ukraine.
Enamine Team