
10 October 2022

Enamine Operation Update, October 10

This morning, russia carried out another act of aggression, firing dozens of rockets at peaceful cities in Ukraine, including Kyiv. Another act of barbarian terrorism. Despite it, we stand firm and resilient.

11 May 2022

Enamine Operation Update, May 11

We are glad to inform you that we have fully restored the scope of our building block catalog as it was before the 24th of February war outbreak. The catalog lists over 238 000 off-the-shelf products. Such items are again offered in the various batch sizes reaching up to 100 grams in many cases to give you full scale of choice for your projects. Please visit to make structure searches and order online.

13 April 2022

Enamine Operation Update, April 13

The situation in Kyiv keeps improving day by day, shops and restaurants are re-opening and people are returning to their homes in a continuous stream. More and more chemists come back to their labs and resume their projects at Enamine. Currently, over 300 chemists are already back to work, and we estimate this number to grow up to 400-500 colleagues within the next couple of weeks. We have restored the synthesis of building blocks, REAL Compounds, as well as custom synthesis, including FTE research projects in our Kyiv’s facility. Along with our absolute capacity to resynthesize building blocks in larger amounts as before, the resumption of the supplies from Ukraine has allowed us to return 2.5-, 5-, and 10-gram amounts to our building block catalog. Following our contingency plan at the war outbreak, we completely switched to supplies from our warehouses in US and Latvia, both largely limited to the 1-gram batch size. Now, we are resuming supplies of the larger amounts from our Kyiv stock and via resynthesis! Please check our offer at

The quick supply of the building blocks is crucial. Even though the infrastructure in Ukraine has been significantly damaged during the war and despite express courier services have been suspended for the time being, our logistics specialists have organized a 3-day ground transportation route from Kyiv to our EU-based site in Latvia. This means that delivery time from Ukraine to your lab will be cut down to around 7-10 days very soon. Delivery time from US and EU local stores is as always 1-2 days.

We are looking forward to receiving your new inquiries and orders! This is the best way you can help us.

Faithfully Yours,
Enamine Team

22 June 2021

Webinar – Hit Discovery for GPCRs: HTS or Virtual Screens?

Please join us for a webinar "Hit Discovery for GPCRs: HTS or Virtual Screens?” presented by Guest Speaker, Carleton Sage, PhD, Vice President of Computational Sciences at Eurofins, Beacon Discovery on Thursday, June 24, 2021

01 March 2021

Lumobiotics GmbH is part of an European consortial Project

We are happy to announce the start of Project ALISE supported by European Commission under Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE. As the coordinator of the Project, Enamine is involved in the development of light-controllable antibody peptide conjugates pushing the boundaries of photopharmacology towards clinical applications.

11 December 2020

ERC Consolidator Grant project 2020

Congratulations to Pavel Mykhailiuk, Chief Scientific Officer at Enamine, for receiving ERC Consolidator Grant funding for the Project: BENOVELTY - Saturated bioisosteres of benzene and their application in drug design.

The research will be carried out at Enamine Ltd in Ukraine, a global provider of chemical and biological services to biotech companies, academic institutions and research organisations.

30 March 2020

Let’s fight COVID-19 together

An international group of scientists from academia and industry, including Enamine, is trying to help combat COVID-19. This effort began when Chinese scientists worked rapidly to determine the structure of the novel SARS‑CoV‑2 main protease (Mpro), which triggered a massive crystal-based fragment screen at the XChem facility at UK’s Diamond Light Source. For more details, please visit With the same urgency, the scientists are now trying to progress these data towards what is desperately needed: effective, easy-to-make anti-COVID drugs

20 February 2020

New chemotypes from virtual libraries: screening of Enamine REAL Database reveals in vivo hits

Melatonin (MT) receptors are established drug targets for aligning circadian phase in disorders of sleep and depression. But there are only a few in vivo hits reported to date. Enamine scientists along with the scientists from UCSF, UNC, USC, and other institutions participated in the research study aimed to fill the gap in therapeutics of these receptors.

23 August 2019

Ion Channel and PPI Libraries now available pre-plated!

In continuation of our efforts to make affordable screening libraries that can quickly be supplied for screening, we have plated two new targeted libraries designed to bring high quality and novelty to your hit finding program. Both freshly-made libraries are ready for fast shipment within only one week in various formats including assay-ready plates.

12 February 2019

Enamine to Support Large-scale Hit Discovery Programs via New “Virtual Pharmacology” Platform

Scientists at the UCSF, together with colleagues at the UNC, created the largest “docking-friendly” database of molecules, based on the Readily Accessible (REAL) compounds from Enamine. Practical validation of the new database was recently published in Nature magazine, demonstrating that it is capable of identifying extremely powerful and synthetically available new hits.

07 December 2018

Purification capabilities enhanced

The demand for library synthesis at Enamine driven by the on-site access to the world’s largest and most reputable stock of building block has multiplied in 2018. We keep developing our preparative chromatography capabilities to sustain the drastically increasing number of compounds produced.

22 August 2018

Making Screening Libraries Assay-ready

Our compound management team at Enamine is excited about the recent acquisition of the Echo® 550 Liquid Handler from Labcyte. This robotic superhero is expected to significantly speed up and notably precise compound handling, which is exactly an option needed for 2.5 Million+ compounds in stock. Screening libraries at Enamine are now more accessible, more customized and assay-ready to meet your exact needs in compound screening.

07 June 2018

REAL compounds with predicted biological activity

Accessing new chemistry for drug discovery has been recently facilitated by the approach developed by John Irwin et al. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.7b00316). Combination of Similarity Ensemble Approach (SEA) with the maximum Tanimoto similarity to the nearest bioactive was found to provide efficient prediction for all 400 million commercially available compounds in ZINC database including 340 million Enamine’s REAL compounds. You can access the files at and REAL compounds will be synthesized at Enamine on your request in less than 3 weeks with over 85% success rate!

04 August 2017

Synthesis capabilities in autoclaves enhanced

Reactions conducted in autoclaves are very popular at Enamine because they allow synthesis of unique and novel building blocks that would not be doable otherwise. The key to their successful implementation into every day’s routine are quality pressure reactors that offer safe operations and are inexpensive at the same time.

13 March 2017

Enamine's US stock of building blocks reaches 72 000 compounds

Enamine is proud to announce that it has expanded its building blocks storage facility in Cincinnati totaling now 72 000 compounds. This allows Enamine to expedite logistics with its numerous US customers, offering a next-day delivery option for the majority of orders.

26 October 2016

Enamine's us stock grows over 50 000+

Enamine is announcing the expansion of its building blocks storage in its Cincinnati, logistic center, reaching currently more than 50 000 novel substances, with the plan to reach through its continued efforts at least 60 000 building blocks until the end of 2016. The company fulfills in this way the request of its numerous USA customers to expedite delivery time and fasten projects start.

09 September 2016

Unprecedented sales at enaminestore! 25% off on all products

This year Enamine celebrates 25 years of excellence in chemistry. In commemoration of this special event, we have launched a total discount program at Please visit our online shop and apply for exceptional 25% discount for 160 000+ building blocks, 2 100 000+ screening compounds and 50 000+ fragments in stock.

Upon confirmation, your profile at EnamineStore will be granted with 25% discount that will be further automatically applied to all your online purchases made until October 31, 2016.

Hurry up! The program has just started today and the clock is ticking for this exclusive offer!

12 July 2016

ChemSpace Building Blocks Catalog Has Grown Over 20 000 000

Announced on 1st March, 2016 ChemSpace, a global e-procurement marketplace for searching, purchasing and selling chemical building blocks, has already accumulated over 20 million unique reagents and become the world’s largest pool of purchasable building blocks for medicinal chemistry. ChemSpace’s powerful engine supports storage and operations with millions of chemical entries. The platform sets no limits for suppliers and thus provides access to the most actual information on innovative molecules that have just appeared on the market.

10 December 2015

Enamine supported molecular modelling competition featured in Nature Scientific Reports

Nature Scientific Report “Identification of potential inhibitors based on compound proposal contest: Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes as a target”

Compound proposal contest has been held at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) on January 7 - March 20 2014 in a form of open innovation competition. Organized by the Initiative for Parallel Bioinformatics (IPAB) and supported by Enamine, it was aimed at identification of novel approaches for Computer Aided Drug Discovery (CADD) and finding novel unique hit molecules.

Enamine provided its world’s largest Screening Collection as a source of diverse compounds for the contest participants, who were instructed to select a maximum of 1 200 prioritized compounds towards a specific biological target - Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes. The contest resulted into 600 unique molecules selected by jury, from which 27 inhibitors were identified, yielding finally 7 potential hits.

Enamine’s Screening Compounds Collection is a unique product offering containing more than 2 000 000 diverse and distinct compounds in significant amounts (typically, 150 mg in stock).

28 March 2014

A Very Important Paper by Enamine scientists

Controlling Biological Activity with Light: Diarylethene-Containing Cyclic Peptidomimetics
Oleg Babii, Sergii Afonin, Marina Berditsch, Sabine Reisser, Pavel K. Mykhailiuk, Vladimir S. Kubyshkin, Thomas Steinbrecher, Anne S. Ulrich and Igor V. Komarov
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014 53 (13), 3392–3395

Enamine scientists in collaboration with research at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, Germany) published a study on antibiotics activated by light. It deals with synthesis of analogues of the antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S which conformations can be switched by light. This property was rendered by incorporation in its structure of an amino acid designed based on a photoisomerizable diarylethene scaffold. The biological activity of the resulting peptidomimetics can be reversibly controlled by ultraviolet/visible light.

Success of Enamine’s innovative product pipeline and service portfolio is based on the commitment of the company to the scientific research. Enamine caries out and supports research projects within the company as well as off-site in collaboration with many academic centers in Ukraine and abroad. About 30 scientific papers were published by Enamine scientists in renowned scientific journals in 2013.

02 March 2014

Selected Building Block Series

With development of on-line chemical directories acquiring necessary reagents and building blocks for day-to-day research activity has become a technical routine. Many thousands of building blocks are now available in the market and sub-structure search can efficiently provide a selection of reagents to buy. However, this approach might be limited. With over 80,000 building blocks synthesized and now available from our stock we are a recognized leader in the market. Our catalog features versatile building block classes and adds 1,000 products each month. Although they all are available for purchase through EnamineStore and many public or corporate chemical databases we wanted to gather together the most interesting and recently prepared building blocks to provide a series of useful guides to a novel and innovative chemistry. First five brochures have been published to highlight our rich collections of Advanced Morpholine Analogues, Bicyclic Aliphatic Amines, Fluorinated Aliphatic Amines, Isocyanates, Isothiocyanates, and Trifluoroethyl Carbamates, and Sulfonyl Chlorides and other Sulfonylating Agents.

07 August 2013

Ukrainian Team sponsored by Enamine reached Top 5 at the recent 45th International Chemistry Olympiad 2013

Four Ukrainian students won respectively three Gold medals and one Bronze medal at the 45th Chemistry Olympiad held in Moscow on July 15-24, 2013.
The Ukrainian Team competed against 291 students from 73 countries.

Members of Ukrainian Olympic team:

Andriy Stelmakh, Lviv Physics and Mathematics Lyceum – Gold Medal
Oleksandr Vyhivsky, Kharkiv school # 47 – Gold Medal
Mykyta Onizhuk, Kharkiv technical school # 173 – Gold Medal
Khrystofor Khokhlov, Kiev school # 145 – Bronze Medal

Enamine is continuously aiming towards excellence, in its organization, products & services. The company is proud of the achievement of the Ukrainian team and to have sponsored its national team. Sponsoring such event is a natural initiative from Enamine and we would like to warmly congratulate the four students for their results.


06 February 2012

Enamine has started collaboration with Legend Star International

Enamine Ltd concluded an agreement with Legend Star International Co., to further promote products offered by Enamine to Taiwan drug discovery market. It is expected, that Taiwanese customers will be getting all relevant information on Enamine compounds and services from the local distributor and will benefit from improved service. Clients from Taiwan are encouraged to contact Legend Star International Co., Ltd. for all questions related to purchase of Enamine products:
1F., No.166, Fuxing 3rd St.,
Taishan Township, Taipei, Taiwan,
Mr. Chen Tsung-Ting
Tel: 886-2-29003199 (Ext 20)
Fax: 886-2-29009912
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

25 January 2012

Change of compound identification in Screening Collection

Enamine is planning to change the numbering of products offered through screening collections in 2012. To facilitate compound tracking in different offerings and allow transparent identification of structures by their unique ID throughout various databases, the old identification method utilizing lot-related T-numbers will be ceased. According to the new identification system all structures referring to compounds offered by Enamine for screening will have unique Z-codes familiar to those who worked with REAL Database before. Existing T-codes will be supported for ordering purposes.

29 September 2011

Enamine hits the stock of building blocks

Over 51,000 low  molecular weight reagents are now available from our stock. To the best of our knowledge, with this amount of substances the company has become the world’s largest supplier of physically available building blocks. The considerable improvement of synthetic technologies at Enamine is pushing the limits of the stock update rate. Currently over 1,000 building blocks are added to the stock every month.

24 July 2011

New version of EnamineStore is launched

EnamineStore at was completely updated – both content and interface were affected by following changes:

  • new products added to catalog: except for stock Screening Compounds and Building Blocks now it is possible to search, browse and order feasible screening compounds (REAL DB) and Tangible Building Blocks
  • new search features: one-click 'Find Analogs' option, advanced search wizard, search by a list of CAS numbers and more
  • tracking and current statuses for orders placed on-line
  • supplemental data on stock compounds updated in catalog
  • new look of catalog and cart pages, color coding for compounds in different categories

31 March 2010

Price reduction on select Enamine Building Blocks

Price of over 9 000 building blocks was reduced by 50% on average. Selected compounds were discounted by as much as 80%! The products affected by price reduction conform to high quality standards of Enamine and are available from stock. Over 1 500 building blocks from this set are also available for rush delivery in 1g batches. You can download the set of discounted building blocks as SDF, ISIS DB or PDF. Please visit EnamineStore to check current stock availability and order on-line.

05 May 2022

Enamine Operation Update, May 5

Since our return to the labs 1 month ago, we have managed to restore and catch up with practically all our synthesis and stock operations. We are extremely grateful for your being with us during these difficult times. We were happy to receive your messages of strong support and orders, demonstrating your continuous trust in Enamine. It means a lot to all of us, and it helped our quick rebirth.

Now more than 400 chemists have returned to our labs, among whom 150 as FTE’s in your research projects. Each week more chemists join back their FTE team structures. In early 2022, the company made a strategic supply of reagents and solvents so that we can continue self-sufficient synthesis activities for many months. Furthermore, most recently, significant progress has been made in receiving again goods and starting materials in Ukraine. Our newly established small synthesis lab in Latvia operates now in parallel to the Kyiv-based ones and will be happy to welcome new FTE clients.

Our parallel synthesis lab is capable now of setting up 1 400 - 1 500 syntheses per day, the rate that allows the synthesis of a few thousand REAL Compounds in a 2-month project. There is no limitation to the library size to request. As we used to encounter difficulties in dealing with the end-of-the-year REAL Compound orders always arriving in numbers, we would like to encourage you to send your requests as soon as possible and book our optimally available capacities in advance!

Enamine chemists back on creative spree. A few latest additions to our Building Block catalog

Enamine has resumed internal synthesis programs targeting to replenish and expand our catalog of Building Blocks. The strategic goal is to replicate our stock of BBs and make it evenly represented in all our three warehouses: in the US, in Latvia, and in Ukraine. The first step in this direction was made when we shipped sizeable selections of building blocks to our stocks abroad. Now our chemists are busy in resynthesizing them.

All our stock catalogs including building blocks, screening compounds, fragments, and plated compound libraries are readily available for your analysis and fully operatable. Our delivery times improve every week!

20 April 2022

Enamine Operation Update, April 20

As of today, 17 countries among which France, Italy, and Austria to name a few, along with the European Union have sent their diplomats back to Kyiv, reopening their embassies, a vote of confidence that the Russia’s assault against the Ukrainian capital city and its region is over. This important symbolic and solidarity step from our allies makes clear that the necessary safety in Kyiv is returning, while the Russians have decided to re-focus on the East of Ukraine.

From our side, we are continuing working at full throttle to contribute to restoring our beloved homeland and its economy. Over 350 chemists including 100 FTE’s in our clients’ research projects have been able to resume their programs in our laboratories in Kyiv. We appreciate tremendously your indefatigable support, commitment, and trust in us!

This week we are happy to announce that our compound management team has resumed the liquid handling replication of our compound libraries. Although some more time (2 weeks) is required to fully re-start the weighing of dry compound samples from our screening collection, we can already supply from our liquid stock various pre-plated compound libraries. In line with our last week’s announcement, our very first dry-ice shipment since nearly two months has just left Kyiv towards our logistics centre in Riga from where individual orders will be further distributed to multiple clients across the world.

We are also pleased to confirm that our biology department Bienta has fully resumed its operations and provision of integrated drug discovery support. All our research facilities and technical equipment are in perfect working condition. Currently, all our groups and units (high throughput screening, bioanalytical, mass spectrometry, and in vivo) are resuming their projects and are ready to start new ones. The in vivo group is restoring the population of its laboratory animals, which were saved in our in-house core breeding section thanks to our galvanized colleagues’ efforts.

For further details, please send inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Faithfully Yours,
Enamine Team

31 March 2022

Call for Donations

We, at Enamine, have united to resist at our level the Russian invasion. We help to acquire non-lethal military aid to enhance defence of Ukraine, provide medical supplies to the hospitals, provide sponsorship for science and education in Ukraine, and help our employees scattered by war across Ukraine and abroad. Our own funds are limited as we have had to put on hold most of our projects and we will greatly appreciate your donations, which we will immediately use for the urgent needs of today! This is the most direct help to Ukraine.

Please use correct currency accounts and indicate the purpose of payment as “charitable assistance”.

In order to track your donation please inform us about it by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you have any particular purpose of donation (e.g. “medicines”, “social help”) please indicate it in your email. Please also contact us by email if you have any questions about the fund.

Thank you for your support!

USD Account

Company name: ENAMINE СF
IBAN (USD):UA823052990000026001030119037

Соrrеsроndеnt bank: JP Моrgаn Chase Ваnk, New Yоrk, USA
Account in the соrrеsроndеnt bаnk: 001-1-000080
SWIFT Code of the соrrеsроndеnt bank: CHASUS33

рurроsе of payment: "charitable assistance"

EUR Account

GBP Account

CHF Account

23 August 2021

Drug design of covalent ligands with SeeSAR & Enamine library

We are proud to announce that our covalent compound library is now available in a ready-to-dock format for BioSolveIT’s drug design dashboard SeeSAR. Over 20 different warheads were processed and translated to their respective ligand-bound form to assess their binding mode after docking.

05 April 2021

Open positions for Postdocs and Research Scientists

We still have several funded Postdoc positions in organic chemistry to work at Enamine Ltd. (Ukraine, Kyiv) on a ERC-project “Saturated bioisosteres of benzene.”

Start: any time.
Please, send the application documents (motivation letter, CV, list of publications, recommendation letters) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

15 January 2021

Open positions for Postdocs and Research Scientists

We have several Postdoc positions in organic chemistry to work at Enamine Ltd. (Ukraine, Kyiv) on a ERC-project “Saturated bioisosteres of benzene.” Start: 1 April 2021 (or later).

Please, send the application documents (motivation letter, CV, list of publications, recommendation letters) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

06 November 2020

Enamine To Support IBM’s OpenPandemics COVID-19 Initiative With Unparalleled Synthetic Capabilities

Enamine will provide chemical synthesis support for a global nonprofit research initiative OpenPandemics COVID-19, organized by Scripps Research and IBM, and aimed at rapidly identifying efficient new drugs against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Enamine will be synthesizing any promising hits identified by the research team at OpenPandemics COVID-19 via large scale docking experiments.

25 June 2019

Enamine’s covalent fragments produce potent and unique hits

In a recent JACS paper several academic groups collaborated on discovery of novel covalent inhibitors using a library of 993 acrylamides and chloroacetamides sourced from Enamine’s covalent fragment collection. The design was focusing on mild electrophiles that were supposed to overcome the selectivity challenge. The library was characterized by a new high-throughput thiol-reactivity assay and screened against 10 cysteine-containing proteins. Potent and unique primary hits have been found in the majority (7 out of 10) of cases.

10 November 2016

5 new tools to try at EnamineStore.Com

EnamineStore expands its e-commerce functionality: online access to safety and analytical data on purchased compounds; requesting analogues; getting online quotes; automated order processing and more arrivals Read more...

19 September 2016

Enamine scientist has become a finalist at european young chemist award 2016

Dr. Pavel MYKHAILIUK, CSO at Enamine, has become a finalist at European Young Chemist Award 2016. He gave a talk at 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress (Seville, Spain, September 11-15). The European Young Chemist Award 2016 is intended to showcase and recognise the excellent research being carried out by young scientists working in the chemical sciences.

28 August 2016

EnamineStore goes mobile

Enamine announces the launch of a mobile version of EnamineStore catalog of building blocks and screening compounds. Realizing the growing number of mobile internet users among our customers, we have developed EnamineStore MobileBeta which is optimized for smartphones and tablet PCs. We hope it will further improve catalog browsing and shopping experience for our customers and stimulate the use of new mobile technologies to access our website.

Please, read more at our blog and explore EnamineStore Mobile for yourself.

Please, send your valuable feedback to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

16 March 2016

Registration for The 18th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry is Now Open

Enamine Ltd, together with Elsevier, ChemSpace SIA, Institute of Organic Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and Kyiv Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, are co-organizing The 18th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry to be held on August 7 - 12, 2016 in Hotel Ramada Encore Kyiv, Ukraine. Early bird registration for the event is now open for industrial and academic participants from around the world. Student participation is possible.

This year’s Symposium is a continuation of a long tradition of gathering research and industrial leaders in the field of fluorine science from all around the globe in order to discuss modern trends in fluorine research, present latest achievements and breakthroughs. The scope of the event will include application of fluorine in areas of drug discovery, material science, agrochemistry, energy storage and many others.

The main sub-sections are as following:

  • Organic and Bio-Organic Fluorine Chemistry,
  • Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry,
  • Physical Fluorine Chemistry
  • Industrial and Polymer Fluorine Chemistry.
  • Other Areas of Fluorine Science

All interested industrial and academic organizations, individual scientists and students are welcome to register for participation in this year’s leading event on Fluorine.

28 April 2014

A paper by Enamine scientists has been highlighted in “Chemical & Engineering News”

Mykhailiuk, P. K. Generation of C2F5CHN2 In Situ and Its First Reaction: [3+2] Cycloaddition with Alkenes Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 17, 5168. (Back Cover Picture)

Ritter, S. K. Diazoalkane Expands Fluorine Focus On Ethyl Groups Chemical & Engineering News, 92 (17), 2014.

Developing new methods for introducing fluorine into complex organic molecules has been all the rage during the past few years. Researchers preparing drug candidates and crop-protection chemicals typically seek to add a single fluorine atom or trifluoromethyl group and now have myriad ways to do so. But methods for adding longer, more lipophilic perfluoroalkyl groups, such as pentafluoroethyl, –C2F5, to complex molecules are relatively scarce. The approaches tend to be direct additions of C2F5 using organometallic transfer reagents and don’t utilize C2F5-containing building blocks.

Enamine scientists have developed a new building block for introducing C2F5 group into organic molecules. Pavel Mykhailiuk and colleagues safely generated the fluorinated diazoalkane, C2F5CHN2, in situ from C2F5CH2NH2•HCl and NaNO2. Authors demonstrated the utility of the reagent by using it in [3 + 2]-cycloadditions with mono- and disubstituted alkenes at room temperature to prepare perfluoroethylated pyrazolines with better than 95% conversion rates. Authors believe the diazofluoroalkane will also be as useful as other diazoalkanes for cyclopropanations, carbene insertions, and alkyne cycloadditions.

14 March 2014

Click Chemistry brochure added to Selected Building Block series

336 Azides and alkynes have been selected from Enamine’s catalog of over 90 000 Building Blocks. Their structures have been published in the Selected Building Block series. This brochure, the sixth in series, provides a useful guide to novel and innovative chemistry developed at Enamine that can find multiple applications in drug design. Cycloaddition reaction of azides and alkynes has been shown to smoothly provide excellent yields of 1,2,3-triazoles. It has been recognized as an outstanding example of “click chemistry” This reaction can be used to selectively synthesize both 1,4- and 1,5-substituted triazoles. Besides reaction with azides alkynes undergo many other cycloaddition reactions.

15 January 2014

EnamineStore released in new version

The new version of EnamineStore provides enhanced functionality to quickly search and purchase from catalogs of Enamine and UORSY (collectively over 10 million compounds). The following improvements have been realized besides changes in general form layouts:

Search functionality

  • one search form with multiple usage modes for both easy and advanced queries introduced;
  • JME replaced with Marvin JavaScript drawing tool, allowing to draw structures for queries conveniently in all modern web-browsers instead of resource-consuming Java applet;
  • support of advanced query features introduced (multiple fragments, lists of atoms, generic query atoms, etc.);
  • structure can be imported directly into the query editor;
  • structural search history kept for the session;
  • search by any supported structure identifier (Enamine catalog number, CAS/ ACD number or chemical name) or their list instantly introduced;
  • new additional parameters can be added to building block queries: price limit and regional stock availability;
  • found structures can be refined with a consecutive search using two different modes.


  • one-click search of close analogs, relevant by functional groups introduced;
  • one-click transfer of structure to query builder introduced;
  • building block prices visible directly in catalog (no need to put an item to cart to check price);
  • transport conditions data added;
  • added data export in tabular form (.csv format), export-related bugs fixed;
  • information provided in a more user-friendly manner;
  • consistent handling of screening compounds featuring multiple batches with different salt parts introduced.


  • any item can be purchased in multiple different batches;
  • salt part may be selected for screening compounds (whenever option available);
  • inquiries for out-of-stock items are handled through cart and checkout as a part of ordering process.

05 June 2012

Enhanced Functionality of EnamineStore

Recently several new features were made available to users of EnamineStore:

  • card payments are enabled for all pending invoices issued by Enamine for both on-line and off-line orders – now it is possible to securely pay any outstanding invoice with credit card in the Billing section
  • storage conditions, regional stock availabilities, MDL reference numbers and chemical names are displayed for Building Blocks
  • lists of MDL numbers can be searched using the Search Wizard
  • sample certificates of analysis and material safety data sheets for building blocks can be downloaded from the catalog instead of plain analytical data provided before
  • Rush delivery can be requested for a building block being ordered on-line (subject to regional availability)

30 January 2012

Enamine Launches Preclinical Biology Laboratory

Enamine announces opening of contract biology laboratory at its main research site in Kyiv, Ukraine. Enamine’s BioLab will be providing ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity) and biomolecular screening services to expand Enamine’s chemistry-driven CRO capabilities into the biological support of early phase drug discovery projects.
Integration of the newly created contract biology lab with Enamine’s internationally renowned synthetic chemistry powerhouse and the vast screening compound repository creates a perfect combination for providing efficient and cost-competitive drug discovery services to the international pharmaceutical and biotech industry.

18 October 2011

Enamine Launched Peptide Synthesis Laboratory

Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis was launched by Enamine with a new PS3 Peptide synthesizer (Protein Technologies, Inc.). Small linear and cyclic peptides comprising 2 to 25 amino acid residues of both natural and unnatural origin can be prepared on 1-30 mg scale in a highly pure form (>95%). A large collection of proprietary unnatural amino acids including many conformationally constrained ones as well as ones containing fluorine substituents can be used to expand the variety of peptides. The example structures of peptides prepared with our new peptide synthesizer are listed below.

CF3-Labeled Gramicidin-S analogue Cell-penetrating peptide SAP-E
CF3-Labeled Gramicidin-S analogue
( Angew.Chem., Int. Ed. Engl . 2006 , 45 , 5659-5661)
Cell-penetrating peptide SAP-E
( ChemBioChem 2011, 12 , 896-903)
  CF3-Labeled SAP analogue
CF3-Labeled SAP analogue ( Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008 , 47 , 5765 –5767 )

26 September 2011

High-throughput synthesis workflow was optimized

Recently Enamine has further improved the high-throughput synthesis workflow used for preparation of compounds offered through the REAL Database. Removal of production bottlenecks, application of optimized technological solutions and expansion of high performance preparative flash chromatography unit allowed us to shorten entire production cycle to 12-14 days. Currently we are able to produce up to 2,000 samples per month using this optimized procedure. 90% feasibility rate can be achieved after a single production cycle for typical compound sets. Compounds synthesized via the enhanced scheme can be delivered within 3 weeks after acceptance of an order.

28 September 2010

Enamine makes analytical data available to the public

As from October 2010 Enamine provides access to NMR and LC/MS data for stock compounds through EnamineStore on-line service. Available spectral data for a compound of interest can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking the "Download spectral data" link located in the "Details" dialog accessible from the catalog section (search results). The analytical data can be accessed by registered users only.

03 January 2010

Screening compounds are offered via three libraries

Starting from January 2010, Enamine starts offering screening compounds via three separate libraries: Advanced, HTS and Historical collection. Advanced collection will always contain only novel and recently synthesized compounds, thus clients who persistently monitor additions to Enamine stock will spend less time and efforts to find new structural motifs. HTS collection will continue to be an indispensable source of compounds for various screening needs, providing unparalleled choice of diverse chemotypes. Historical collection will contain compounds representing scientific heritage of major regional research groups and institutions, particularly interesting for research programs in agro-chemistry and material science.