Biology Services

Our mission is to facilitate the development of Advanced Lead candidates in the shortest possible time. We offer integrated end-to-end CRO services, covering all aspects of early drug discovery from the drug idea through Hit Finding and Lead Optimization stages into the pre-clinical Proof of Concept.


Key Facts:

  • 40% of our staff are PhDs;
  • We operate according to the highest quality standards and were trusted by the customers from 20 countries worldwide, including Top20 Pharma;
  • We have unique, direct and immediate access to the world’s largest compound library (4 032 162 screening compounds).

We are always looking for improvement, to cut the research cost and timelines without compromising the quality of our services.

If you need a faster, smarter, and more responsive solution to accommodate your drug discovery project needs, feel free to contact us and our well-experienced personnel will be happy to help.


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