Enamine and Endogena Therapeutics – a Successful, Multi-Year Drug Discovery Collaboration

Kyiv, Ukraine, April 19, 2023 - Enamine Ltd., a provider of drug discovery services empowered with the world’s largest collections of building blocks, fragments, and screening compounds, gave an update of its long-standing research collaboration with Endogena Therapeutics AG, a clinicalstage biotech company focused on the development of endogenous regenerative medicines.

Enamine provides Endogena with its integrated capability in medicinal chemistry to support Endogena’s small molecule drug discovery programs in the fields of hit finding, hit-to-lead and lead optimization.

The companies have been collaborating under a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) model since 2019. The two discovery partners have been continuing their research collaboration to date, their research relationship not being impacted by the war in Ukraine. This collaboration extension, along with many others and new ones established by Enamine since February 24, 2022, already under the conflict, is a systematic positive trend experienced by the company, that demonstrates the support of its customers and the trust they have in receiving high-quality service backed up by the unparalleled number of diverse building blocks available at Enamine.

Sven Weiler, Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry at Endogena, commented: “The interaction with colleagues from Enamine has been a smooth one from the start. In addition to the FTE model, it is great to have access to their huge compound collection and be able to flexibly use Enamine’s capacity to its full potential. We value the output and responsiveness of the Enamine team, helping us to achieve our demanding milestones. It is stunning to see how well Enamine has been able to keep pace after February 2022.”

Michael Bossert, Head of Strategic Alliances at Enamine, added: “After 13 months of the war in the country, we are especially pleased to announce our collaboration with Endogena, a longlasting partner we have been serving during those several years with extensive medicinal chemistry and SAR efforts”.

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