Enamine and UORSY collaborate on creating Legacy Screening Collection

Kyiv, Ukraine, January 16, 2023. Enamine Ltd., the world’s leading designer and supplier of screening compound libraries and building blocks, together with UORSY, a top Ukrainian chemical company producing products for early drug discovery, announced today the creation of a joint “Legacy” screening collection.

The war in Ukraine, which started on February 24th, 2022, had an immediate impact on the drug discovery industry. Many global suppliers of screening libraries and building blocks, including UORSY and Enamine, have their headquarters and labs in Ukraine. The sudden cut in supplies of chemical compounds made the drug discovery community immediately realize how critical these suppliers are for their research.

Enamine acted quickly. Soon after the Russian offensive, the supplier could promptly resume its operations in Kyiv, having established its own ground transportation substituting in this way at an equal level the missing express couriers’ service. It now takes no more than 3 days for Enamine to bring its products from Kyiv to its logistics centre in Latvia, EU. Enamine’s screening collection, counting over 3 million neat samples, was entirely transferred from Kyiv to a safer, newly established location in the west of Ukraine.

The companies have been actively collaborating for more than ten years in co-marketing UORSY building blocks. Enamine has proved a reliable and efficient partner for UORSY providing its developed sales channels and optimized logistics. Today, both Ukrainian suppliers decided to unite their forces once again, facing the war in their country. They created a joint collection of screening compounds, which they will market and sell together. This new collection is named “Legacy” to underline the tremendous scientific heritage of the Ukrainian suppliers. Besides UORSY and Enamine compounds, this collection, having 1.22 million compounds, will additionally feature geographically diverse compounds originating from the collaboration of UORSY and Enamine with different academic groups from within the whole of Ukraine. Many of these compounds remain significantly underexplored. The Legacy collection replaces in lieu the stock collection at UORSY. It is also available via Enamine and Enamine’s exclusive aggregator partner, Chemspace, to ensure a global reach to the life science research.

Vladimir Ivanov, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at Enamine, commented: “We are pleased to partner with UORSY. Their collection has formed an essential part of our joint Legacy Collection, featuring the diversity of screening compounds developed in collaboration with Ukrainian research institutions. These compounds will be available for searches at EnamineStore.com and will be delivered along with Enamine original compounds in the same format and with the same support level desired by our clients and partners.”

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