Enamine Operation Update, April 4

Dear Customers,


In the last 10 days there have been no missile strikes on Kyiv and normal life settles down in the capital. Last week we reported on resuming operations with our main building block warehouse in Ukraine and today we are pleased to inform you that we are going to start delivering your orders for screening compounds since the middle of April. In the meantime, we are completing transfer of the entire stock of screening compounds to our new facility in the west of Ukraine, near the Polish border.

Enamine’s screening collection has over 3 million small molecular weight compounds and is the largest and most reputable commercial collection in the world. We are happy to continue providing our compounds for drug discovery worldwide!

Another good news is that we have resumed synthesis of REAL Compounds, re-opening access to over 20 billion new compounds. Very soon we will be starting to deliver your important hit-finding and hit exploration libraries synthesized in our labs.

Not everything can now be as smooth and fast as it used to be. We are still working on improving synthesis and delivery times. Unfortunately, we cannot absorb any longer the excessive production costs that have significantly increased over the last few years because of the inflation, increase in the prices of the raw materials, etc. After implementation of the contingency plan, we have to increase the prices, unchanged for 2 years, for both off-the-shelf screening compounds and REAL Compounds. Thank you for your understanding and support in this difficult time!

We remain committed to serving the world’s drug discovery and look forward to receiving your new inquiries and orders.


Yours faithfully,
Enamine Team

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