Fluorinated Fragment Library

Specially designed for 19F NMR ligand-based screening

6 377 compounds

Enamine holds expertise in organofluorine chemistry with over 50 scientific papers in this research area published in the last 10 years. Our chemists are heavily involved in research on new synthetic methodologies for introducing fluorine atoms into a wide range of aliphatic/aromatic heterocyclic cores and various side chains.


The fragment selection has been made with emphasis on high structural quality of molecules and easy performance and interpretation of 19F NMR screening results. Very simple/trivial cores with overused chemistry; compounds having more than two stereocenters, showing rotamers, diastereoisomeric mixtures, as well as molecules prone to aggregation have been removed from the set.

Key features

  • Experimentally confirmed solubility in PBS buffer at 1 mM, in DMSO at 200 mM
  • 19F NMR chemical shifts are provided for all compounds in aqueous PBS or DMSO solutions.
  • Full Ro3 compliance, no reactive and unstable compounds, stability in DMSO solution has been tested.
  • 15 200 in-stock analogues are available (MW 160…400)
  • Cherry-picking is possible; delivery in any custom format including dry powders or DMSO solution in vials, microtubes or plates within 1–3 weeks

Examples of the molecules in the library

Single-fluorine Fragments

Difluoromethyl-substituted Fragments

Trifluoromethyl-substituted Fragments


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