Antiviral Library

Designed for discovery of new Nucleoside-like antivirals

3 200 compounds

In spite of significant success in medicine in last decades, development of effective new antiviral agents and vaccines continue to be a challenging task for the modern drug discovery. Viruses share most of the metabolic processes of host cells, thereby making difficult search of selective antiviral agents. However, some enzymes are only present in viruses and these are potential and most attractive targets for antiviral drugs.


For instance, there are several key enzymes, which are involved in the processes with nucleic acids like DNA- and RNA-polymerases. Also, reverse transcriptases possess high potential as antiviral targets. The success of previously approved anti-HCV drug Sofosbuvir has demonstrated the potency of small molecules and the important role of viral RNA-polymerases as drug targets. The series of new drug candidates with nucleoside-like scaffolds introduced by Gilead have shown promising results in treating of serious viral infections such as recently emerged Coronavirus, Ebola and RSV.

Examples of nucleoside mimetics as antiviral agents

Ebola, Junin and MERS viruses
studied against Coronaviruses, 2019-nCoV

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis B virus

Ebola & Marburg viruses

RSV infection, hemorrhagic fevers

To meet growing needs in new antivirals Enamine has designed the library of nucleoside-like small molecules, enriched with recently synthesized series of nucleoside-like compounds. The library of carefully selected 3 200 compounds has been pre-plated for most convenient access and prompt delivery in various customized formats.

Typical Formats

Catalog No.

Catalog No.



3 200
9 plates


Up to 300 nL of 2 mM DMSO solutions

Plates and formats

384-well Echo Qualified plates,
320 compounds per plate,
1, 2 and 23, 24 columns empty


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Catalog No.



3 200
9 plates


10 µL of 10 mM DMSO stock solutions

Plates and formats

384-well plates Greiner 781280,
320 compounds per plate,
first two and last two columns empty


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Catalog No.



3 200
40 plates


50 µL of 10 mM DMSO solutions

Plates and formats

96-well plates, Greiner Cat. No 650201, round (U) bottom,
80 compounds per plate,
1 & 12 columns empty


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Catalog No.



3 200



Plates and formats

Any custom format


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Library Design

Analyzing the structures of known inhibitors we found that most of them are AVR-3200 side mimetics which are not distinguished from the nucleosides by virus enzymes in the active site.

Therefore taking into account pharmacophores and topology of nucleosides and reported nucleoside-like antiviral agents we carefully selected the set of Nucleoside mimetics from our screening collection. The compounds from the set contain natural-like moieties and diverse heterocycles as bioisosters of nucleosides. Additionally, special emphasis has been made on compounds that possess several H-bond donors and potentially can form similar interactions with the protein nucleoside-binding sites as a native nucleoside.

Examples of representative compounds from Antiviral Library

Molecular Profile of the library

Selected compounds have attractive drug/lead-like physical chemical and structural properties that are characteristic for nucleosides and their mimetics: MW 150…400, ClogP -2…4; TPSA <150, RotBonds <7; HBD 1…5, HBA 1…7.

The library is considered to be a convenient starting point for a wide range of antiviral drug discovery projects.


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