The Role of Enamine in the Era of “Digital Pharmacology”

17 March 2022

Join our webinar “The Role of Enamine in the Era of “Digital Pharmacology”, taking place on March 17, at 4 PM UTC, where Dr. Yurii Moroz, Scientific Advisor at Enamine, will be discussing cutting-edge tools Enamine provides to speed up Digital Pharmacology, including fast and convenient approach to access the largest chemical space of “make-on-demand” compounds and ways of its exploration.

Dr. Andrii Buvailo, Pharmaceutical Industry Analyst and Head of Digital Marketing at Enamine, will be providing an overview of the latest research and business collaborations of Enamine with computational partners, Artificial Intelligence companies and research organizations, with whom Enamine is realizing its vision to become the world’s most trusted provider of “big chemical data” for developing innovative solutions to enable “digital pharmacology”.

This webinar is a part of a 3-day series of webinars dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Enamine. Join to learn about how we have been contributing to the global drug discovery effort!

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