Building Blocks Catalog

284 Thousand compounds in stock

Original and unique

Building Blocks

210 Million novel building blocks

Reliable supply

Custom Synthesis

Over 650 highly skillful chemists

Unique synthesis technologies

Library Synthesis

36B Billion REAL compounds and

Custom Library Synthesis

FTE Chemistry Support

On site access to all Enamine stock BB’s

Highly flexible arrangements

2 000 new building blocks are synthesized monthly. Here is an important update to our MedChem Highlights from May 2023

Recent News

  • 22 May 2023   Press Releases

    Enamine Launches a New Chemistry Site in Germany

    Welcome to the latest update from Enamine - we're delighted to share our growth story with you. In our continued pursuit of scientific excellence and global expansion, we've launched a new subsidiary, Enamine Germany GmbH, based in Frankfurt's Höchst Industrial Park. This significant development strengthens our commitment to provide more localized and efficient services in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry.

  • 27 April 2023   Press Releases

    Nostrum Biodiscovery and ENAMINE Join Forces to Develop a ...

    Barcelona, Spain, and Kyiv, Ukraine, April 27, 2023. Nostrum Biodiscovery, a leading provider of computational drug discovery services, and ENAMINE, a global supplier of chemical building blocks and screening compounds, announced today a groundbreaking collaboration for the co-development of a revolutionary search engine tailored for the REAL Space billion database. This partnership aims to deliver unparalleled performance in searching vast chemical spaces while utilizing low computational resources, thus increasing the efficiency and accessibility of drug discovery efforts.

    The collaboration will also focus on enhancing High Throughput Virtual Screening (HTVS) services to streamline the drug discovery process. Nostrum Biodiscovery's state-of-the-art AI-enabled screening platform will take center stage in this effort, boasting the capability to evaluate the entire billion compound collection in just hours. This innovative technology promises to identify potential drug candidates within weeks, significantly accelerating the discovery pipeline.

    ENAMINE’s expertise in the rapid and reliable provision of compounds will further strengthen the collaboration, ensuring that researchers have timely access to the vast array of molecules in the REAL Space database. This partnership will facilitate the seamless integration of Nostrum Biodiscovery's computational prowess with ENAMINE’s extensive compound collection, directly impacting companies interested in using services offered by both partners and ultimately benefiting the global scientific community and accelerating the path to new drug discoveries.

    [Victor Guallar, CSO Nostrum Biodiscovery] “We see it every day in our projects, using the REAL Space database with our AI/MM hybrid HTVS platform is a game changer in finding molecules. Our joint venture with ENAMINE demonstrates our commitment to integrating cutting-edge technology and high-quality compound collections to provide the pharmaceutical industry with unparalleled access to resources that expedite drug discovery. We believe that this partnership will serve as a catalyst for innovation, inspiring ventures to explore uncharted territories in the quest for novel therapeutics.”

    [Andrey Tarnovskiy, Sales Director, Europe at Enamine] “This year the size of Enamine’s REAL Space has reached tremendous 36 Billion compounds. We are excited to cooperate with Nostrum Biodiscovery to complement the available suite of search tools for REAL Space exploration with brand-new AI-based solution for high-throughput virtual screening and hope that our synergy will allow to facilitate and strengthen the drug discovery efforts of our customers.”

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  • 19 April 2023   Press Releases

    Enamine and Endogena Therapeutics – a Successful, Multi-Year Drug ...

    Kyiv, Ukraine, April 19, 2023 - Enamine Ltd., a provider of drug discovery services empowered with the world’s largest collections of building blocks, fragments, and screening compounds, gave an update of its long-standing research collaboration with Endogena Therapeutics AG, a clinicalstage biotech company focused on the development of endogenous regenerative medicines.

    Enamine provides Endogena with its integrated capability in medicinal chemistry to support Endogena’s small molecule drug discovery programs in the fields of hit finding, hit-to-lead and lead optimization.

    The companies have been collaborating under a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) model since 2019. The two discovery partners have been continuing their research collaboration to date, their research relationship not being impacted by the war in Ukraine. This collaboration extension, along with many others and new ones established by Enamine since February 24, 2022, already under the conflict, is a systematic positive trend experienced by the company, that demonstrates the support of its customers and the trust they have in receiving high-quality service backed up by the unparalleled number of diverse building blocks available at Enamine.

    Sven Weiler, Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry at Endogena, commented: “The interaction with colleagues from Enamine has been a smooth one from the start. In addition to the FTE model, it is great to have access to their huge compound collection and be able to flexibly use Enamine’s capacity to its full potential. We value the output and responsiveness of the Enamine team, helping us to achieve our demanding milestones. It is stunning to see how well Enamine has been able to keep pace after February 2022.”

    Michael Bossert, Head of Strategic Alliances at Enamine, added: “After 13 months of the war in the country, we are especially pleased to announce our collaboration with Endogena, a longlasting partner we have been serving during those several years with extensive medicinal chemistry and SAR efforts”.

    Read Press Release

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    International Summer School on Organic Synthesis "A. Corbella" - ISOS 2023

Boronics Covalent Compounds

Over 5000 boron-containing compounds in stock

880 pre-plated compounds

Boronics are mild and reversible covalent binders with proven efficacy and oral bioavailability. Bortezomib discovered as the first effective proteasome inhibitor validated the proteasome as a cancer target and revealed a novel approach in anticancer drug discovery. Further development of the next-generation proteasome inhibitor, the boronic ester prodrug Ixazomib citrate, has shown that boronic compounds can be administrated orally.

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Other boron-containing drugs inhibit enzymes through formation of covalent adducts with catalytic nucleophilic residues like serine. The antifungal Tavaborole and phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor Crisaborole, approved recently to treat psoriasis, contain benzoxaborole groups different from those reported before. More boronic compounds are in different pre-clinical and early clinical stages.

Approved Boronic Drugs

Approved Boronic Drugs

The high demand for boron-containing compounds is due to their unique electron structure. Although normally tri-coordinated, boronics readily adopts tetra-coordinated state upon exposure to nucleophiles and in such way can quickly form reversible adduct with nucleophilic residues such as serine, lysine, tyrosine, threonine, and cysteine thereby blocking the function of target proteins.

Boronic trigonal-tetragonal equilibrium, and covalent binding mode types

Boronic trigonal-tetragonal equilibrium, and covalent binding mode types

Enamine provides a wide range of boron compounds including boronic acids, and their more stable boronic ester analogues. In our library you could choose either aliphatic or (hetero)aromatic boronates.

Examples of pre-plated Boronic Fragment

Examples of pre-plated Boronic Fragment

A growing number of studies are using aromatic α-formyl boronic acids as a selective warhead targeting lysine residue. Introduction of boronic acid residue into α-position of benzaldehydes (well-known covalent warhead) dramatically enhances stability of resulting Shiff bases by formation of 5-membered complex. The covalent adducts can be reversibly cleaved, that can be an advantage in case where irreversible off-target modification is observed.

Recently research groups of Markus A. Seeliger & David R. Liu were developed subtype selective cyclophilin E reversible inhibitor with formyl boronic warhead covalently targeting lysine residue (Lys217)1. It is important that analogs with either the aldehyde or the boronic acid alone, respectively, showed reduced potency by 16-fold and 100-fold. Another example of α-carbonyl boronic warhead was developed into inhibitor of sortase A of S. aureus.

Examples of Formyl Boronates in pre-plated Covalent Screening Library

Examples of Formyl Boronates in pre-plated Covalent Screening Library Examples of Formyl Boronates in pre-plated Covalent Screening Library

Typical Formats

Catalog No.

Catalog No.



3 plates


10 µL of 10 mM DMSO solutions


384-well plates Greiner 781280, 320 compounds per plate, first two and last two columns empty

Catalog No.



3 plates


5 µL of 10 mM DMSO solutions


384-well plates Greiner 781280, 320 compounds per plate, first two and last two columns empty

Catalog No.







Any custom format

Sulfonyl Fluorides

3 953 compounds in stock and over 1.1 million in REAL

1 760 pre-plated compounds

Sulfonyl fluorides are becoming increasingly popular in covalent probe discovery and are often used as tool compounds in chemical biology. Their high stability and low reactivity made them promising in modern drug discovery. Sulfonyl fluorides are known to react with multiple nucleophilic amino acid residues including Tyr, Lys, His, Arg, Ser and Thr. That is especially important due to the much higher abundance of Ser and Lys in proteins over Cys (on average about 9% and 6% vs 2%).


There is a significant difference in reactivity between fluoro sulfonates, sulfamoyl fluorides, and alkyl aryl/hetaryl sulfonyl fluorides, which enables the design of selective covalent binders. For example, less reactive fluoro sulfonates have been reported to react better with Tyr phenolic hydroxy groups than sulfonyl fluorides and sulfamoyl fluorides.

A recently published study by the research group at GSK on hydrolytic stability and reactivity of various sulfonyl fluorides, reveals interesting findings and a way to profile sulfonyl fluorides. Several substituted benzene sulfonyl fluoride scaffolds have been reported to possess balanced reactivity due to enough stability to hydrolysis and moderate activity toward nucleophiles.

Currently we offer over 100 compounds from stock and synthesis of new derivatives are in progress.

REAL Sulfonyl Fluorides

Over 701k REAL Sulfonyl fluorides, including aryl, hetaryl and alkyl sulfonyl fluorides

Download SD file

Attractive REAL Fluorosulfonates, over 94k compounds available for fast parallel synthesis with at least 80% success rate

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REAL Sulfamoyl fluorides, 210k for fast parallel synthesis within 3 weeks only

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Examples of pre-plated Sulfonyl Fluorides

Covalent Screening Library: 640 Sulfonyl Fluorides plated at 10 mM in DMSO

Covalent Fragment Library: 640 Sulfonyl Fluorides plated at 100 mM

For easy and efficient exploration of novel protein targets and proteomics screening platforms

Photoaffinity labeling (PAL) is a successful and widespread strategy for ligand-binding site mapping, protein target-fishing, and target identification with affinity-based probes (AfBP). Medicinal chemists and structural biologists often use this powerful technique to reveal molecular targets after phenotypic screens and investigate signaling pathways and interactions between proteins of interest. PAL has become one of the most used tools in chemical proteomics and the studies of protein-protein interactions (PPIs).


Diazirines, benzophenones, and aryl azides are traditional, well-described photocrosslinkers (PLs) used in PAL. Upon photoirradiation, these moieties produce highly reactive species that quickly react with adjacent protein parts resulting in covalent binding, which can be further identified by mass-spec analysis and other methods. We at Enamine have been working on synthesizing new PLs containing molecules for years and now offer the largest and most diverse source of Photoaffinity Compounds, including a vast collection of Fully Functionalized Compounds.

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Fully Functionalized Compounds

The use of diazirine in probe molecules, together with the functional acetylene group, allows screening directly in cells. Originally described in the Cell paper2 by Ben Cravatt, this approach has been adopted by other research groups for several successful projects, including ‘direct-to-biology’ high-throughput chemistry screening platform reported by GSK researchers.
We offer over 6 000 Fully Functionalized Compounds from stock and more than 1 million REAL compounds.


Download Fully Functionalized compounds in stock

Download REAL Fully Functionalized Compounds

Browse our building blocks

Trifluoromethyl Diazirines

Trifluoromethyl diazirines work more selectively on target because the isomeric diazo compounds formed as side products upon photoirradiation are relatively unreactive and do not largely interfere. We offer over 700 Trifluoromethyl diazirine compounds from stock to select from and more than 300 thousand REAL compounds that we can synthesize on demand using our off-the-shelf CF3-diazirine Building Blocks.


Download ready Trifluoromethyl Diazirine compounds

REAL CF3-diazirine photoaffinity ligands


We offer over 5 000 Benzophenone Compounds from stock and will be happy to help you with the design and synthesis of new derivatives.


Download ready Benzophenone compounds

REAL Benzophenones

Aryl Azides

We offer over 50 Arylazides from stock with an extensive array of novel azides that can be synthesized on demand based on our massive collection of azide building blocks.


Download Azyde compounds


We have refined our parallel chemistry protocols to efficiently synthesize Photoaffinity Compounds using our own collection of photoaffinity building blocks. This collection is the largest in the world, providing access to all classes of crosslinkers having a wide diversity of functional groups to use in synthesis. Over 15 000 ready-to-use Photoaffinity Compounds have been already synthesized. You can additionally select from over 1 million REAL Compounds bearing photoaffinity warheads. These compounds will be synthesized within just 3-4 weeks with a high (80%) success rate. We also offer synthesis of any bespoke compounds bearing specific photoaffinity moieties attached to selected backbones as well as compound libraries virtually of any size.


Examples of compounds

Selected publications

  1. A direct-to-biology high-throughput chemistry approach to reactive fragment screening.

    Thomas R. P. et al. Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 12098-12106. DOI: 10.1039/D1SC03551G

  2. Ligand and Target Discovery by Fragment-Based Screening in Human Cells.

    Parker C. G. et al. Cell. 2017, 168 (3), 527-541. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.12.029

  3. Fully Functionalized Small-Molecule Probes for Integrated Phenotypic Screening and Target Identification.

    Cisar J. S. and Cravatt B. F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 25, 10385–10388. DOI: 10.1021/ja304213w

Cereblon ligands and functionalized intermediates

CRBN binders and their functionalized analogs

Cereblon (CRBN) is one of the most explored E3 ligases extensively used to construct PROTACs, search for new Molecular Glues, and develop functionalized tool compounds. The most extensive research has been done in this area. CRBN ligands are also known to have a good ADME profile, allowing for the development of orally bioavailable PROTACs.

We have been working with Thalidomide-like and Glutarimide chemistry for years and gained versatile experience in this chemistry field. Our experienced chemists are continuously working on the design and synthesis of new attractive Building Blocks, while our parallel chemistry group extensively elaborates approaches in the modification of the most interesting intermediates. This knowledge allowed us to enumerate a REAL Array of over 8 million CRBN-focused compounds, which can be synthesized within only 4 weeks and with 80% success rate.

  Contact our experts

Building Blocks

  • CRBN 1st generation Intermediates – 600 compounds
  • CRBN 2nd generation Intermediates – 200 compounds
  • CRBN 3rd generation 5-membered Intermediates – 400 compounds
  • CRBN MADE Building Blocks – over 80 000 intermediates.

Latest Arrivals

Glutarimide ring variation

Imide motif variation

Core structure variation

Screening Compounds and Libraries

Currently, we have over 8 000 CRBN-focused compounds in stock including Glutarimides, IMiD Library Uracil-like and Avadomide derivatives. The databases are constantly updated with newly synthesized compounds. Covalent modifiers are represented by diverse and the most reliable warhead types with a main focus on Cys, Lys, and Ser residues.

Catalog No.

Catalog No.

IMiD Library


4 480
14 plates


10 µL of 10 mM DMSO solutions

Plates and formats

384-well echo plates, Labcyte #LP-0200,
320 compounds per plate,
first two and last two columns empty


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Catalog No.

Diverse CRBN Library


3 plates


25 µL of 20 mM DMSO solutions

Plates and formats

384-well microplates, Corning #4514,
320 compounds per plate,
first two and last two columns empty


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Catalog No.

Covalent CRBN Library


2 plates


50 µL of 20 mM DMSO solutions

Plates and formats

96-well plates, Greiner #781270,
80 compounds per plate,
first and last columns empty


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Catalog No.

CRBN Library





Plates and formats

Any custom format


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All our screening compounds can be represented by the following subclasses and types of CRBN binders:

  • All Glutarimides in stock – 5 758 compounds
  • Lenalidomide scaffold-based molecules – 2 720 compounds
  • Thalidomide-like derivatives with linkers – 300 compounds
  • REAL Molecular Glues – 4M+ compounds
  • CRBN ligands with linkers – 300 compounds
  • REAL CRBN ligands with covalent warheads

We are constantly working on the update and synthesis of new derivatives of known binders and new potential CRBN ligands.

Representative examples of compounds in pre-plated CRBN Diversity Library

Examples of compounds in pre-plated CRBN Covalent Library

Examples of in-stock CRBN binders with inkers

SPLicing inhibitor sulfonAMides (SPLAMs)

New aryl sulfonamides designed to target DCAF family of E3 ligases

For a long time, Indisulam and a few other clinically tested aryl sulfonamides such as Tasisulam and chloroquinoxaline sulfonamide (CQS) remained compounds with pronounced selective in vitro anticancer activity with unclear mechanism of action.


Recent extensive investigations in cancer genome sequencing together with X-Ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy showed that these compounds (also known as SPLAMs - SPLicing inhibitor sulfonAMides) act as a “molecular glue” to induce degradation via binding to DCAF15. This insight provided structural and mechanistic data that significantly extend our understanding of their mode of action.





Based on these emerging data we have designed several focused compound libraries of aryl sulfonamides both using selections from our Screening Collection and employing enumerations of new REAL compounds that we can confidently synthesize:

Library design

Recent studies demonstrated that SPLAMs promote the interaction between RBM39 and DCAF15 E3 ligase receptor, leading to ubiquitination of RBM39 and proteasome-mediated degradation.

According to the structural data Indisulam and Tasisulam bind DCAF15 in an overall configuration similar to E7820, maintaining the backbone hydrogen bonds from the sulfonyl groups to DCAF15 Ala234 and Phe235 and the water mediated hydrogen bonds. However, the methyl to hydrogen substitution at C4 in Indisulam limits the hydrophobic interactions with DCAF15 Val477 and Val556, while Tasisulam lacks the indole NH hydrogen bond to the backbone carbonyl of DCAF15 Phe231.

Based on the available structural data we have designed DCAF15 Focused Library from our stock Screening Collection using the following approach:

  • Generation and selection of close chemotypes/scaffolds based on diverse aryl and heteroaryl (five-membered inclusive) sulfonamides;
  • Further selection based on pharmacophore modelling and docking results using available structural data of DCAF15;
  • MedChem filtering according to criteria of lead/drug likeness.
Docking results

Figure 1. Docking results

Figure 2. Examples of SPLAM analogues