Building Blocks Catalog

284 Thousand compounds in stock

Original and unique

Building Blocks

210 Million novel building blocks

Reliable supply

Custom Synthesis

Over 650 highly skillful chemists

Unique synthesis technologies

Library Synthesis

36B Billion REAL compounds and

Custom Library Synthesis

FTE Chemistry Support

On site access to all Enamine stock BB’s

Highly flexible arrangements

2 000 new building blocks are synthesized monthly. Here is an important update to our MedChem Highlights from May 2023

Recent News

  • 22 May 2023   Press Releases

    Enamine Launches a New Chemistry Site in Germany

    Welcome to the latest update from Enamine - we're delighted to share our growth story with you. In our continued pursuit of scientific excellence and global expansion, we've launched a new subsidiary, Enamine Germany GmbH, based in Frankfurt's Höchst Industrial Park. This significant development strengthens our commitment to provide more localized and efficient services in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry.

  • 27 April 2023   Press Releases

    Nostrum Biodiscovery and ENAMINE Join Forces to Develop a ...

    Barcelona, Spain, and Kyiv, Ukraine, April 27, 2023. Nostrum Biodiscovery, a leading provider of computational drug discovery services, and ENAMINE, a global supplier of chemical building blocks and screening compounds, announced today a groundbreaking collaboration for the co-development of a revolutionary search engine tailored for the REAL Space billion database. This partnership aims to deliver unparalleled performance in searching vast chemical spaces while utilizing low computational resources, thus increasing the efficiency and accessibility of drug discovery efforts.

    The collaboration will also focus on enhancing High Throughput Virtual Screening (HTVS) services to streamline the drug discovery process. Nostrum Biodiscovery's state-of-the-art AI-enabled screening platform will take center stage in this effort, boasting the capability to evaluate the entire billion compound collection in just hours. This innovative technology promises to identify potential drug candidates within weeks, significantly accelerating the discovery pipeline.

    ENAMINE’s expertise in the rapid and reliable provision of compounds will further strengthen the collaboration, ensuring that researchers have timely access to the vast array of molecules in the REAL Space database. This partnership will facilitate the seamless integration of Nostrum Biodiscovery's computational prowess with ENAMINE’s extensive compound collection, directly impacting companies interested in using services offered by both partners and ultimately benefiting the global scientific community and accelerating the path to new drug discoveries.

    [Victor Guallar, CSO Nostrum Biodiscovery] “We see it every day in our projects, using the REAL Space database with our AI/MM hybrid HTVS platform is a game changer in finding molecules. Our joint venture with ENAMINE demonstrates our commitment to integrating cutting-edge technology and high-quality compound collections to provide the pharmaceutical industry with unparalleled access to resources that expedite drug discovery. We believe that this partnership will serve as a catalyst for innovation, inspiring ventures to explore uncharted territories in the quest for novel therapeutics.”

    [Andrey Tarnovskiy, Sales Director, Europe at Enamine] “This year the size of Enamine’s REAL Space has reached tremendous 36 Billion compounds. We are excited to cooperate with Nostrum Biodiscovery to complement the available suite of search tools for REAL Space exploration with brand-new AI-based solution for high-throughput virtual screening and hope that our synergy will allow to facilitate and strengthen the drug discovery efforts of our customers.”

    Read Press Release

  • 19 April 2023   Press Releases

    Enamine and Endogena Therapeutics – a Successful, Multi-Year Drug ...

    Kyiv, Ukraine, April 19, 2023 - Enamine Ltd., a provider of drug discovery services empowered with the world’s largest collections of building blocks, fragments, and screening compounds, gave an update of its long-standing research collaboration with Endogena Therapeutics AG, a clinicalstage biotech company focused on the development of endogenous regenerative medicines.

    Enamine provides Endogena with its integrated capability in medicinal chemistry to support Endogena’s small molecule drug discovery programs in the fields of hit finding, hit-to-lead and lead optimization.

    The companies have been collaborating under a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) model since 2019. The two discovery partners have been continuing their research collaboration to date, their research relationship not being impacted by the war in Ukraine. This collaboration extension, along with many others and new ones established by Enamine since February 24, 2022, already under the conflict, is a systematic positive trend experienced by the company, that demonstrates the support of its customers and the trust they have in receiving high-quality service backed up by the unparalleled number of diverse building blocks available at Enamine.

    Sven Weiler, Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry at Endogena, commented: “The interaction with colleagues from Enamine has been a smooth one from the start. In addition to the FTE model, it is great to have access to their huge compound collection and be able to flexibly use Enamine’s capacity to its full potential. We value the output and responsiveness of the Enamine team, helping us to achieve our demanding milestones. It is stunning to see how well Enamine has been able to keep pace after February 2022.”

    Michael Bossert, Head of Strategic Alliances at Enamine, added: “After 13 months of the war in the country, we are especially pleased to announce our collaboration with Endogena, a longlasting partner we have been serving during those several years with extensive medicinal chemistry and SAR efforts”.

    Read Press Release

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Computational Chemistry

To effectively speed up your discovery process

Computational chemistry along with virtual screening plays an essential role in early Drug Discovery. Molecular modeling methods and screening technics become more and more sophisticated and together with machine learning are powerful tools for initial hit finding. The latest advances resulted in the drastic rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, which now play a major role in every sector of pharmaceutical industry from early discovery to manufacturing and patient use.


Application of CADD (computer-aided drug design) in early stages allows significant savings on cost and time needed for data analysis after a large HTS campaign. Deep learning of protein structure and application of the latest calculation algorithms can enrich your hit rate up to 10-15%.

Being the largest supplier of Screening compounds and Fragments we extensively use all available computational chemistry tools and develop our own algorithms and approaches in hit finding. Using our experience we designed over 70 Targeted and Diversity libraries. Our experts participate in collaborations with leading scientific groups in computational chemistry field, confirmed by number of papers.

We will be happy to help you with in silico screening of our 3M Screening Collection or selected part from our REAL Database, as well as provide all the following CADD services:

  • Virtual screening, Structure or Ligand-based. Docking calculation and 3D Pharmacophore search.
  • Compound Library design considering all sensitive aspects of your project.
  • Homology modeling of protein structures using AlpfaFold and search of potential binding sites.
  • Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, protein structure and ligand interaction optimization.
  • Activity analysis and QSAR modeling
  • Design of hit follow-up libraries. Hit expansion and hit exploration.

Lipoxygenase (hLOX-5) docking results: ligand binding pose of hit molecule.

Structure optimization of stapled peptides and interaction with MDM2.

Covalent docking of Sulfonyl fluorides library against Serine protease.

Molecular docking of RNA SAM riboswitch, example of identified hit binding mode (yellow).

MD simulation and binding site identification for hNMDA based on the structure alignment with the reported liganded NMDA of rattuss norvegicus structure.

Identification of “hot-spots” as potential interaction sites for PPI inhibitors.

Selected publications

  1. Synthon-based ligand discovery in virtual libraries of over 11 billion compounds.
    Nature 2022, 452-459. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04220-9
  2. Generative and reinforcement learning approaches for the automated de novo design of bioactive compounds.
    Chem. Commun. 2022, 129. DOI: 10.1038/s42004-022-00733-0
  3. Discovery of SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors using a synthesis-directed de novo design model.
    Chem. Commun. 2021, 5909-5912. DOI: 10.1039/D1CC00050K
  4. An open-source drug discovery platform enables ultra-large virtual screens.
    Nature 2020, 663-668. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2117-z
  5. Structure-based virtual screening and biological evaluation of novel inhibitors of mycobacterium Z-ring formation.
    J. Cell. Biochem. 2022, 123, 852-862. DOI: 10.1002/jcb.30232
  6. Straightforward hit identification approach in fragment-based discovery of bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) inhibitors.
    Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2018, 3399-3405. DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2018.05.010
  7. Diarylethene moiety as an enthalpy-entropy switch: photoisomerizable stapled peptides for modulating p53/MDM2 interaction.
    Org. Biomol. Chem. 2020, 18, 5359-5369. DOI: 10.1039/D0OB00831A

Compound Library Management

Reformatting and storage of the compound libraries require not only an exorbitant investment in liquid-handling lab and low-temperature storage facility, but also in-depth expertise in compound management, organizing workflows and logistics. We are happy to share with you our skills and capabilities to cost-efficiently support your discovery programs with storing purchased or synthesized compound libraries at Enamine and supply them to your labs in most suitable plated format.

Get more details

Compound plating

We can work with any plate format, from 96- to 1536-well plates, and provide them in practically any layout and scenario including:

  • Multiple copies
  • Assay-ready plates using nanolitre-scale acoustic dispensing
  • Dose response curve (DRC) plates
  • Flexible compound cherry-picking
  • Compound pooling

Library storage

We can store your library either acquired from our extensive Compound Library catalog or sent to us from any location in the world in our cold room at -18°C. We will provide a copy of this library to a screening lab of your choice in just-in-time mode. This may be our HTS lab at Bienta or any other CRO you collaborate with.

Equipment list

  • Beckman Biomek i7 and i5 Automated Workstations including Span-8, 96- and 384-channel heads
  • Beckman Echo 550 / 650 / 655 Series Acoustic Liquid Handlers
  • Tecan Freedom EVO (Liquid & Air)
  • Agilent Bravo Automated Liquid Handling Platform with 384- or 96-channel heads
  • Dynamic Devices Lynx Liquid Handling Platform with 384- or 96-channel heads
  • Hamilton LabElite DeCapper
  • Agilent PlateLoc Thermal Microplate Sealer with optional sealing under argon atmosphere
  • Micronic Side Barcode Readers
  • Thermo Scientific™ VisionMate™ High Speed Barcode Reader
  • BioMicroLab SampleScan Mini
  • BioMicroLab Volume Check System VC384

To ensure accuracy for the plates formatting all the equipment is undergoing regular service maintenance checks.

Accumulating the chemical knowledge and experience since 1991 helped Enamine to shape itself into a reliable partner in comprehensive research projects and services.

Library Synthesis

Services ranging from the synthesis of composed chemical libraries to the assistance in designing and developing a library from a scratch.

Custom Synthesis

Applying the top-level chemical experience of Enamine’s chemistry team for implementation of the complex, daring and cutting-edge scientific ideas in synthesis.

FTE Support

  • Leveraging our Building Block catalog advantage and vast expertise, our chemists can accelerate and enhance on-going discovery projects.
  • Leveraging our Building Block catalog advantage and vast expertise for accelerating your discovery projects.

Computational Chemistry

Enamine’s CADD team is at your service to accelerate all the stages of the drug discovery pipeline, including hit identification, hit-to-lead, and lead optimization, with computational techniques.


Integrated end-to-end CRO services, covering all aspects of early drug discovery from the drug idea through Hit Finding and Lead Optimization stages to Formulation Studies.

Hit Follow up support

Providing analogs from stock collection, REAL database, individual design of compounds for hit follow-up process that can be strengthened by Enamine biology team.

Compound Library Management

Hit Follow up Support

The success of a hit finding campaign heavily depends on quality of screening library and hit confirmation process. We offer seamless support in following-up the hits identified after screening of our Compound Libraries.

  • Hit Confirmation: dry samples resupplied from the same batch, QC check, HPLC repurification, chiral resolution, impurities identification.
  • Analogs: search within over 4M stock Screening Collection, REAL Database and REAL Space. Enumeration of new hit follow-up libraries.
  • Resynthesis: typically within 3 weeks following in-house synthesis protocols.


If you purchase our screening library, you can fully benefit from our Compound Management services. We offer storage of the libraries in a special low-temperature facility and delivery of plate copies for screening or hit confirmation on your order.

Hit Confirmation

  • Resupply from the same batch
  • Quality control using advanced techniques
  • HPLC purification, chiral separation
  • Resynthesis and structure confirmation

Hit Expansion

  • Analogs in Screening Collection, REAL Database and REAL Space
  • Follow-up libraries design and enumeration of new molecules
  • In silico screening services: Pharmacophore modeling and docking calculation, MD simulations.

Hit to Lead

  • FTE-based Chemistry support
  • Broad ADME panel
  • PK studies

We offer cost-effective chemistry support to any medchem-related projects including synthesis of sophisticated individual compound and unchallenged parallel synthesis of small focused libraries besides conventional wet chemistry. Enamine is a non-classic CRO, rather a chemistry research organization. Having the largest proportion of its business in compound catalog sales, the company has accumulated over the years at its research site in Kyiv the world’s largest collection of building blocks. You can access this powerful resource directly at Enamine when outsourcing your chemical FTE’s to us. This will allow you to:

  • Decrease turnaround time by having same day supply to your FTE labs
  • Access unique compounds available exclusively from Enamine
  • Save on costs


Our proven high potential to accelerate and enhance drug discovery projects has been recognized by a recently drastically growing number of clients – from academic labs to big pharma companies viaSME’s. The number of chemical FTE’s outsourced to Enamine has doubled since 2019. Currently only 1/3 of our chemists are engaged in FTE collaborations and we can easily expand our service branch by relocating additional chemists from non-exclusive synthesis for our public catalogs.

FTE chemistry support

Skillful chemists

Enamine is a global leader in synthetic innovation in medicinal chemistry. We have over 650 skillful chemists with scientific expertise in various fields of chemistry widely documented in the peer-reviewed scientific journals. Our chemists have in-depth experience in a wide number of unique chemical techniques such as fluorination with SF4, photochemistry in flow, electrochemistry, high-pressure hydrogenation etc., which are well validated at Enamine and are scarcely available at other CRO’s.

Building Blocks

Our FTE rate includes free-of-charge access to most of our building blocks and the rest is offered with a sizeable discount. Our clients benefit from our enormous experience in building block synthesis. Enamine’s collection of make-on-demand “MADE” building blocks provides an important source of ideas and inspiration.

Parallel synthesis capabilities

We can use parallel synthesis for more than 35 different reactions including photochemistry. Based on the deep knowledge of our building blocks and on their reactivity we have developed predictive models which can maximize success rate in synthesis of compound libraries. Read more…

Molecular modeling

If needed Enamine Molecular modeling group can support the project with virtual screening, pharmacophore modeling and other CADD services.

Flexible arrangement

In contrast to classical CRO’s, the number of FTE’s at Enamine can be amended on a ultra-short notice, should it be to increase or decrease the size of a team.

ADMET/PK tests and HTS

Bienta, the biological department of Enamine (, can deploy state-of-the-art support to medchem collaborations by providing ADMET and Pharmacokinetics tests including animal studies. If a new hit-finding campaign is required, Bienta can offer HTS using Enamine’s significant diverse screening libraries or any customizable set from targeted and diverse libraries pools available at Enamine, which are totaling over 4M compounds. Read more…

All these features and more make Enamine a partner of first choice for different types of FTE-projects including:

  • Synthesis of hit-finding libraries, analog preparation;
  • Scaffold decoration using diverse capping agents;
  • Singleton synthesis, Hit-to-lead optimization, scaffold-hopping;
  • Synthesis of Building-Blocks / scaffolds including scale-up validation;
  • Feasibility studies.